世博园低碳中国红 LED节能7成
分类:行业资讯 发布时间:2019-05-07 23:07:46
璀璨的夜景,是上海世博会亮点之一,而这主要归功于大规模LED(发光二极管)照明 新技术的应用。据测算,世博整个园区LED芯片用量在10亿个以上,园区内80%以上夜景照明光源采用LED技术。LED的低碳特色与上海世博会理念不谋而合,必将

The work of controversial Chiness photographer Ren Hang is on vies at Los Angeles MAMA Gallery throungh August.The work of controversial Chiness photographer Ren Hang is on vies at Los Angeles MAMA Gallery throungh August.The work of controversial Chiness photographer Ren Hang is on vies at Los Angeles MAMA Gallery throungh August.The work of controversial Chiness photographer Ren Hang is on vies at Los Angeles MAMA Gallery throungh August.The work of controversial Chiness photographer Ren Hang is on vies at Los Angeles MAMA Gallery throungh August.The work of controversial Chiness photographer Ren Hang is on vies at Los Angeles MAMA Gallery throungh August.